Danielle Bosworth

Picture of Me


Virtual Pet

Virtual Pet code

Adopt a chinchilla from South America. You can name it, feed it, give it water, play with it, bathe it, and let it use the restroom. When you interact with your chinchilla, you'll see some needs go up, while others will go down. On a scale from 0-10, your chinchilla will be happiest when their needs are at 10 and upset when their needs are at 0. Can you get all their needs to 10? Have fun!

Skills: Java

Tech Used: IntelliJ

Virtual Pet Shelter

Virtual Pet Shelter code

Welcome to the year 2356, where humans no longer work and every job is held by a robot. Pet shelters are no different and are run by robots. You must interact with our Pet Shelter's robot in order to play, feed, and give water to our shelter pets. You can also adopt a pet or admit a homeless pet. Each of our animals has a hunger, thirst and boredom meter (it is the future after all). Their meter is full when it reaches 100, and the pet is least happy when their needs are close to 0. Please help keep out shelter pets happy human!

Skills: Java

Tech Used: IntelliJ

Virtual Pets Amok

Virtual Pets Amok code

Welcome to the year 2356, where humans no longer work and every job is held by a robot. Pet shelters are no different and are run by robots. You must interact with our Pet Shelter's robot in order to play, feed, and give water to our shelter pets. You can also adopt a pet or admit a homeless pet. Each of our animals have several needs and all are measureable (it is the future after all). Please help keep out shelter pets happy human!

Skills: Java

Tech Used: IntelliJ